What would you write about this one?
Fiction writers and non-fiction writers, jump on in! We're looking forward to your posts.
And, yes, they count towards our Let's Get This Blog Started Contest Part 2.
We'll announce the prize for the contest for the second half of November tomorrow.
He opened his eyes and felt the glacial pavement pressing against his cheek. It had been 34 years since he had seen his wife. Her visits ceased when the girl's lawyer released evidence that proved he was, in fact, guilty. He missed his wife's glowing face, her soft slender body. Who knows what she looks like now.
Days piled upon months that turned into years, and Daniel Whitler woke up every morning to a locked cell that captured his soul and drained the life from him. He needed something, anything. He needed air, the sun, or God.
If only he knew that the pages of life were about to turn in the most unsuspecting way. The key twisted, the lock clicked open, and a skinny bald man in a yellow jacket stood silently with a grin that forced a wave of nervousness across Daniel's heart. "Who...who are you?"
There are places in our hearts that we've locked away so no one can know those secret things we battle with. It would be too risky to let them know how fragile, and lacking we really are. But the One who made our heart doesn't need a key, He dwells there. He doesn't want us to be embarrassed to let Him see it all, because He can provide the strength to clean it up. Or do you really want Him to?
Two very different posts.
Two powerful posts.
I would love to see both of these pursued into what? A novel? An article? A devotional?
I'm wondering who the man in the yellow jacket is.
And I'm wondering how each of us would answer the question about allowing God to clean up our hearts.
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