
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tickling the Editorial Funny Bone

I edit Connections, which is a leadership magazine put out by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International.
I like editing. This is a good thing, since I've read each issue at least a dozen times before it goes to print. When I'm on deadline, I'm not laughing when I catch a mistake. I'm usually heaving a huge sigh of relief that a misspelling or grammar error didn't sneak by my editorial eye.
Yesterday I visited one of my favorite writers' Web sites: Visual Thesaurus. The site is just what it says it is: a visual take on a thesaurus. When you type in a word, they map out different words that mean the same thing. It's so colorful--kinda' like mindmapping.
But I digress.
The site highlighted an interview with Editorial Emergency, an agency that provides branding, copwriting and non-profit messaging.
As I was strolling through the site, I saw a link labeled "Our Customers." Then I saw a link labeled "Not Our Customers." And that's the section that got me laughing. It's 23 pages of mistakes. Spelling errors. Grammar errors. On signs. In newspapers. Advertisements that make you shake your head and think, "How did someone not catch that?"
If you're an editor or writer, you know it happens. You're just glad when it happens to someone else.


Tea with Tiffany said...

Glad I am not the only one who missed the elephant!

Patricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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