I'm thrilled to partner with Beth for our new writing blog. And to kick this off, we are offering a Writer's Digest CD titled The Writer's Ultimate Resource Guide 2008 .
Here's a quick list about the CD.
1. Hundreds of active links to the best writers' resources on the Web
2. Completely text-searchable
3. 65 pages filled with info every writer must know, including 101 best websites, the top 100 magazine and book markets, a state-by-state guide to more than 400 writing organizations and 22 literary agents who want your work.
4. A detailed guide to today's hottest writing software
5. The best of Brian A. Klems' Questions & Quandaries column
6. 32 annual writing contests to submit your work
7. All content is in .pdf format without any advertisements. The CD works on any computer, PC or Mac, with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
For complete details, click the link above.
All we ask is that you post a comment or suggestion. We will randomly pick a winner on November 15th. Then, during the second half of November, we'll giveaway another writing resource. So keep in touch for further details.
We'd love to know what topics you'd like to read about. We are open to suggestions. Our desire is to encourage you, the writer!
What a great way to begin the NaBloPoMo! I'd love to win that writing resource.
Suggestions? Hmmmmm....I'd like to hear about common mistakes writers make that cause editors to cringe so that I can avoid them from the beginning.
Thank you!
I'd like to hear about current writing contests! I've entered a few a long time ago but nothing recently as I've been completing a new book of memoirs, "A Tree Grows in Trout Creek," which is now for sale at: www.wildwoodpress.org. Come visit!
I got an e-mail about this product and it looks good. I sure would love to win it!
I would love to read about overcoming your inner critic (you know the one that says "no one cares what you have to say" and "no one will read what you write" and "there are so many writers out there now, what makes you think you're special?"
I'm sure you can tell I've had recent conversations :D
How does a writer get established in the freelance world full of eager writers? How do I make my work, my name stand out so an editor actually reads what I have to say?
I love the giveaway!
Hi, I like to hear about how busy wives and mothers keep writing when they feel guilty about the dishes and everything else left undone!I am a full time student and mother of an awesome 3yr. old son. I have been taking online creative writing course and found this new writing venue very stimulating! I love the idea of blogging now. I am still very new at writing, but my instructor says my writing is improving. Thanks for the space to voice my opinion. Karen Farrell
Wow! Thank you to all for your challenging questions. Beth and I will be sure to address the questions you've asked.
We are thrilled you are here!
I'd like to know about the potential for cross-genre writing, the uses of pseudonyms, and the ramifications of mixed genres in a single piece of work.
Great blog so far!
My currrent writing dilemma is how to keep my personal writing motivation going when it feels like it's not as "productive" as the other needs all pressing at me: the work deadlines, the financial pressures, the housecleaning, etc., etc. . . .
Oh, I would dearly love this!
I'm wondering if anyone out there has some resourceful ideas on how to carve out valuable writing time when there seems to be none available. I've read so many books and articles and they all have great tips. However, I'm still not able to set that time aside just for my writing. I'm really motivated, but always seem to fall short of making any progress because of work, household stuff, husband, animals, and illness.
This is a great website. I look forward to more information and features as time goes on. Sweet contest too.
Thank you... regards from Angela.
What a great website. I discovered you through NaBloPoMo, and I'm glad I did.
My request is for more writing prompts, like your winter scene. Perhaps this could be a weekly "writing circle" activity, and people could submit their writings in the comment section, with a strict word limit. I'm always inspired when I read what others write. Any interest in that?
While I appreciate (and want) the practical advice on how to get writing published, I'm always in need of general writing advice and encouragement.
Thanks for starting the group on NaBloPoMo.
I am always interested in hearing how other writers find their "gigs," whether it's through queries, bids, marketing, etc.
Great giveaway. :)
Suggestions, hmmm, I'd love to read about how to organize your writing time, writing schedule, writing area, writing ideas - I see a theme here lol.
Hmmm. What a warm fuzzy place to be on a cold winter night. I feel like curling up in my old bathrobe with a good book and a cup of Tiffany's tea in front of the fireplace.
Oh,yes back to the blog. I love it.
Well self-confidence for writers is a biggie sometimes. I don't always remember to leave my ego on the back step and my mouth shut.
This is exciting, can I bend the corner of my ticket so I can win??
Just kidding. You two have picked a great gift.
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