
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Finding Your Voice--The Fundamentals

At the My Book Therapy Storycrafters Retreat, Best-selling Author Susan May Warren shared the fundamentals for finding your voice.

Clarity. Don't try to make your manuscript more valuable by filling it with million-dollar words.

No overwriting.
Avoid redundancy whether it's restating an idea, words, or sentences.

Simple sentences
create impact.

Use active voice
and delete was in your writing.

Use specific nouns.
Choose details and specifics that matter. This will reduce multiple adjectives and -ly adverbs.

Write positively.
Show what you want the reader to see, not what you don't want them to see. For example, "There was no light inside the cave" negatively shows there isn't light in the cave. Here's a stronger, more positive sentence: "The darkness in the cave seeped inside her."

Avoid cliches
like the plague. ;-) They are for people who are too lazy or tired to reach deep.

Use 5 senses.
Show how a POV character feels by building the 5 senses though the character's perspective.

Put punch words at the end of a sentence.

If you follow these fundamentals, you'll soon be on your way to creating your own voice.

~ Roxanne Sherwood


Sue Tornai said...

Thank you, Roxanne. Basic writing but essential.

Unknown said...

If you are searching for the correct technique to improve the sound of your speaking voice, I want you to begin with a different approach. To see more info please visit http://essayswriters.org/college/ Instead of seeking someone or something to help you improve the voice you have, why not discover the voice you don’t know you have?