
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Writing Stocking Stuffer—New Year’s Resolution Writing Tools

“Every hardship; every joy; every temptation is a challenge of the spirit; that the human soul may prove itself. The great chain of necessity wherewith we are bound has divine significance; and nothing happens which has not some service in working out the sublime destiny of the human soul.”—Henry Fielding

Will 2010 be the year you’ll start or finish that book or article you’ve always wanted to write? Do the words “New Year’s resolution” remind you of a ball and chain? The Jerry Seinfield red marker and one-year calendar system may change your writing and idea about a chain.

The Jerry Seinfield School of Writing New Year’s Resolution Writing Tip


Years ago Brad Isaac, a software developer, asked Jerry for tips for a young comic. The advice Jerry gave Brad applies to writing, exercising, or any other New Year's goal you set out to accomplish.

Stocking Stuffer: Large wall calendar, red magic marker, hanger

How to Use Your Stocking Stuffer: Hang the calendar in a conspicuous place. Each day that you write, mark a huge red, satisfying X from each corner of the daily box on your calendar. Set a goal to write for one week, then two, then 30 days. Is the goal to write for 3-4 hours or one hour? Nope! Give yourself permission to write ten minutes a day. The constant crimson chain compensates your craving for more X’s.

Top Ten Ways to Earn Your X’s


1. Write.

2. Write every day, even on holidays.

3. Write when you want to write.

4. Write when you feel like skipping a day.

5. Write about every hardship, joy and temptation.

6. Write about every challenge to your spirit.

7. Write so that your soul may prove itself.

8. Write so that the great red chain of necessity—writing—binds you to divine significance.

9. Write when nothing happens.

10. Write to work out the sublime destiny of your soul.

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