Look for information about the recipe contest at Susan's website!
Let me just say this right up front: I love the way Susan May Warren writes!
Susie makes me laugh out loud, sit on the edge of my seat and whisper,"Oh, no, what next?!" and give a sigh of pleasure when the guy and girl finally kiss and make up. Most times, this happens all in the same book.
But I have to tell you when I first heard about The Great Christmas Bowl, I thought, "Really?"
Forgive me, Susie, I doubted you.
But, darned if you didn't make me laugh and cry again! Oh, me of little faith!
Here's the low-down on The Great Christmas Bowl:
Christmas is a magical season. Except for this year.
Marianne Wallace loves the holidays. From dressing the tree to her traditional Christmas dinner, it’s all about creating memories for her family. But when her children begin to leave home—and their traditions—behind, she has one last chance to create a holiday they’ll never forget.
Unfortunately, she’s soon in over her head, and one impulsive decision leads to a string of events that will change the way her family—even her small Minnesota town—sees the Christmas season.
Heartwarming and hilarious, The Great Christmas Bowl is a story about family, traditions, and rediscovering the real magic of Christmas.
The Great Christmas Bowl will now take it's place among my Christmas book selection--favorite stories that I pull out every year and place around the house to re-read.
Susie's hosting a fun recipe contest over at her website:
Share your story and recipe with Susie and the readers of the Great Christmas Bowl. She will post your story and recipe on the front page of the blog, and send you a link when it goes up so you can tell all your friends. Then, at our Great Christmas Bowl party (December 5th, 10am, online! Details TBA) we’ll make the entire cookbook available for download!
For every recipe/story you submit (up to 3), you will be entered in a drawing to receive one of SMW’s collections (Noble Legacy, Team Hope, Heirs of Anton, Deep Haven Series, Josey series, or THE ADVANCED COPY of Sons of Thunder – Susie’s brand new epic World War 2 novel, due out in January 2010!)
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